Platform for adaptive trials in perinatal units
Dr Felicity Ware

Māori Health Researcher, NZ

Dr Felicity Ware is an indigenous mother with whakapapa to Ngāpuhi and raising three tamariki with whakapapa to Ngāi Tahu and Sāmoa and te reo as their first language. Felicity is experienced in kaupapa Māori and whānau-centred solutions to elevate the health and wellbeing of iwi, hāpu, whānau, and Māori communities, with expertise in Māori infant and maternal health and wellbeing.

Felicity has a strong commitment to community and promoting hauora, particularly within whānau which enables her to share knowledge and best practice in practical, meaningful and mana-enhancing ways. Dr Ware leads the research unit at Hapai te Hauora the largest Māori public health NGO in Aotearoa. Te Puna Whakamaunu Research and Evaluation specialises in innovative social and health research and evaluation that strengthens Whānau Ora and advances Māori health.  

Dr. Ware also holds Māori advisory roles on the PLATIPUS Trial Steering Committee, executive committee of the ONTRACK Clinical Trial Network Better Health for Mothers and Babies, the Infant and Young Child Feeding Committee responsible for implementing the National Breastfeeding Strategy, and is a founding member of Mokopuna Ora (2017) a Māori community group who supports whānau to weave their own wahakura to strengthen health and wellbeing for māmā and pēpi.

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